Congratulations Dr. Huang (... Dr. Huijie Huang)!
Congratulations, Huijie! Recipient of a 2024 Fishman Fund Career Development award!
Congratulations, Win Ning Chen!
Congratulations Win Ning on [WinNing]/receiving a CIRM graduate training fellowship!
Great job, keep it up!
Great job, keep it up!
Congratulations, Dr. Giau Vo!
Way to go Giau!
Congratulations on your Conrad Prebys Foundation fellowship,
"Identifying enhancers of SNX27 to promote neuroprotective pathways in Alzheimer’s disease and Down’s Syndrome”!
Congratulations on your Conrad Prebys Foundation fellowship,
"Identifying enhancers of SNX27 to promote neuroprotective pathways in Alzheimer’s disease and Down’s Syndrome”!
Congratulations Bing, Yan and the Trem2/tau team!
Congratulations to Bing, Yan and the Trem2/tau team on your publication at Mol Neurodeg! Way to keep things going during the pandemic, and to bring the study to the finish line!
Special thanks to Dr. Huaxi Xu (Chongqing Medical University), always a cherished collaborator and friend.
Thank you also to Nimansha Jain and Jason Ulrich (Washington University) for the thoughtful commentary!
Thank you also to Nimansha Jain and Jason Ulrich (Washington University) for the thoughtful commentary!
Congratulations Stephanie!
Great job on a wonderful Masters thesis presentation and defense (30 Jun 2021)!
Good luck in the next step in your career! We will miss you!
Great job on a wonderful Masters thesis presentation and defense (30 Jun 2021)!
Good luck in the next step in your career! We will miss you!
Congratulations Drs. Liu, Zhu and the hMGL team!
(2 Nov 2020)
... and thanks to all the wonderful collaborators that contributed!
A massive team effort!
(2 Nov 2020)
... and thanks to all the wonderful collaborators that contributed!
A massive team effort!
Congratulations Dr. Jessica Stupack!
Congratulations, Jessica on a fantastic thesis defense seminar presentation! Adding one more Dr. Stupack to the science community!
(Virtual defense seminar, 14 Aug 2020)
(Virtual defense seminar, 14 Aug 2020)
Congratulations, Jessica!
SBP paper of the week, AND JN cover... well done!
(7/20/2020, 7/31/2020)
(7/20/2020, 7/31/2020)
Congratulations Dr. Lu-lin Jiang!
"Chef Jiang will continue to explore methods to prepare membralin-based courses integrated into ERAD and UPR menus. This award will enable her to explore new combinations of Abeta and SOD1 protein preparations infused with a spicy membralin glaze prepared 2 ways. Congratulations, Chef Jiang!"